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Glenda D'Silva

Hi all I am Ms. Glenda D'Silva as we all know during this pandemic situation how difficult it has been for all. As during the month of March onwards this pandemic had taken over India and Mumbai especially. Many good samaritans came out of their way to provide Ration kits and hot meals to the people. During this time something clicked me and it was about the Transgender individuals who have no source of income during the time. As I have already researched about them their source of income for the Research Competition- Avishkar 2020, Anveshan 2020 and as I was supposed to represent West Zone in the Nationals with my research project I had well understood what different i could do for their betterment. Through the website I am working on for my research and that is my innovation for the upliftment of the parents of Transgender individuals and the Transgender Community, this was my best way to provide help to the community and so I wanted to do this project in just 3 days so I can reach out to them as soon as possible.
I started on 20th April, and my Project was about providing Nutritional Kits to PLHIV transgender individuals, as it would be difficult for me to be physically present in providing this kits I took the help of Humsafar trust to be my distribution partner during this time.
I raised funds through my family, friends, college staff and was happy to see the generosity of people. Each kit was of Rs.800 and I successfully arranged the kits on 23rd April 2020 which included 1 kg dates, half kg mixed dry fruits, chyawanprash, amla candy and peanuts/rajgira chikkiand reached out to 62 PLHIV transgender individuals.
Due to lockdown there were hardships I faced as there was more demand for these materials as they boost the Immunity I tried to arrange things from different places and individually packed them at home so I could take all measures to give the packs safely.
Also, it was generous of Aashayein NGO who provided sanitizers and mask which was an add on to this pack.
Special mention of support: My Mentor- Dr. Swati Partani, Principal of Maniben Nanavati Women's College, Rtr. Darshan Jain (RC Hinduja College), Aashayein NGO, Humsafar Trust (Aarohi & Sandeep Mane), Family & Friends.
Do have a look at the website.

Glenda D'Silva

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